• Why Canine Massage?

    Massage is not only a therapeutic technique, but is also an excellent preventative measure since it helps muscles stay toned and healthy.

    After an injury or surgery, Physical therapy is most often applied, and massage can be a valuable part of the therapy.

    Massage is an excellent way to increase performance and aid in injury prevention.

  • Can massage help with movement?

    If your dog is experiencing problems with movement they may well be compensating in one area for discomfort in another. A full body massage will help to restore proper function and comfort. Range of motion aids a dog in all its activities. Massage lengthens muscle fibers and connective tissue resulting in increased range of motion.

  • Do you work on Sporting Dogs?

    I work on Sporting Dogs both at their homes and at events in the Southeastern US.

    Active sporting dogs are athletes that need massage to keep them strong and limber. Massage is excellent after competing or training. A short massage before a competition or training is also an excellent way to help a dog’s movement while performing.

  • How do I prepare for our Home Sessions?

    • Make sure not to feed within an hour of our session. Massage on a full stomach can be uncomfortable.

    • Make sure they have time to relieve themselves beforehand.

    • It is also best if they have had some exercise earlier in the day.

    • Please provide a calm quiet space for your dogs session.

  • What should I expect for Home Visits

    • My mobile service allows me to see dogs in their own home where they are generally the most comfortable.

    • We will take a few minutes at the beginning of our session for you to share relevant information about your dog.

    • I will spend most of our time together working with your dog through massage to keep their soft tissues healthy, warmed and moving.